First, a nuts and bolts guide for litigating Rule 29 motions for acquittals, which I wrote for the January 2009 issue of the NACDL's Magazine "The Champion," Download Rule 29 Guide.
Next, a link to the ABA's Commission's on Effective Criminal Sanctions and the Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia's 247-page report, Internal Exile: Collateral Consequences of Conviction in Federal Laws and Regulations. The Commission describes its study as
an outgrowth of both organizations' work on the effect of a conviction record on the availability of a wide range of benefits and opportunities, which in turn determines a person's likely ability to rebuild his or her life after a criminal conviction. Federal collateral consequences are particularly important for practitioners and policymakers since they apply to all persons convicted of crime, whether under state or federal law. While the study is first and foremost a compilation, and its presentation primarily descriptive rather than analytical, we hope that it will serve as a useful tool for criminal justice practitioners (including defenders, judges, and prosecutors); for persons seeking information about the legal rights and responsibilities of people who have a conviction record; and for advocates, legislators, and policymakers in determining which collateral consequences are reasonable and appropriate responses to public safety concerns, and which are not, and what can be done to avoid or mitigate them.
Thanks to local attorney Jan Karowsky for bringing the report to my attention.