In March of this year, the BOP amended its Early Release Guidelines for those completing its residential drug abuse program (RDAP). Most know that the general rule was that qualifying persons completing the program were eligible for up to one year off their sentence. The amended guidelines now provide a graduated system where those sentenced to 30 months or less can only get 6 months off, those sentenced to 31-36 months can get a reduction of up to 9 months, and only those sentenced to 37 months or more can get their sentence reduced by a full year. Also the BOP's Crime of Violence Definition was recently amended, which may affect eligibility for the RDAP program as well as custody classification issues. I'm not sure what has changed in how BOP classifies offenses as crimes of violence.
FYI, the BOP's byzantine Inmate Security Designation and Custody Classification Manual and other BOP Inmate Policy Statements on such diverse topics as compassionate release, mail, polygraph tests, hunger strikes, furloughs, etc. are available on the BOP's website, Lots of other info there as well, such as this federal halfway house directory.