My one year blogging anniversary passed in February without me noticing. Here are some thoughts on the first year plus and the one ahead:
Frequently Asked Questions: The two questions I get asked the most about my blog are how many readers do you have and how come you don't get any comments. On the first question, I now typically get 150-200 page views a day, less on weekends. But it can spike up dramatically on particular posts. By far, the most page views have been on my "bong" post, see 3/6/10 post, which was reposted throughout the blogsphere and internet. Due to that blog entry being picked up by and other sites, I hit a high (no pun intended) of close to 3,000 page views one day. As for cases, the Sekhon immigration fraud case has consistently attracted the most readers.
I'm not sure why I don't get more comments. I have had a total of about only 40 comments in my first year. Some have suggested readers fear antagonizing judges. Maybe. But comments can be left anonymously (leave the email and url lines blank). I also tend to avoid gossipy posts that might attract more comments. I delete spam but otherwise have not censored comments.
My First Year (and a couple months) and What's Ahead: This blog is certainly a work in progress. When I first started, my intention was mostly to provide a spot for defense attorneys to keep up to date on what's happening in the district and to highlight issues that might be helpful to my colleagues. While those are still important goals, what surprised me is that the majority of readers appear to be non-practitioners who are simply trying to get info on a particular issue, person, or case. Due to time constraints, I mostly just re-post stories from local papers because those only take me a few minutes. While I'd prefer to add my two cents more often, it takes a lot more time to write my own stuff and I worry about getting myself into hot water. Further, the topics I know the most about and have the best insights on are my own cases, which I don't comment on. I would like to write more about specific topics, such as the reasons behind the exploding number of wiretap cases in the EDCA federal court. Wiretap cases used to be rare here. Now, they're a dime a dozen. Why is that? Finally, I recently upgraded to a plan that allows multiple bloggers and other features. I'm toying with the idea of adding other bloggers, maybe even an anonymous one. Any ideas or suggestions to improve this blog? Thanks for your support. --John