Fox 40 video story here, text excerpt below:
An inmate at the [Sacramento County] jail, housed in the cell neighboring cell of the man who died, sent a letter to FOX40 and accused jail staff of neglect.
Part of the letter reads: “I went to my cell door and observed (a corrections officer) in a loud and intimidating manner advising Mr. Mark Scott’s cellmate in his own words, ‘Don’t push my (expletive) button anymore!’ I then heard Mr. Scott’s cellmate reply, ‘Look! There’s blood on his shirt collar and there’s blood in the toilet and this bag.’”
The inmate, who identified himself as Chema Strawther, said the officer then walked away with a pink medical request form.
In his letter, Strawther said Scott had not eaten all day, had a ring of blood around his collar and “appeared to be in an absent frame of mind.” Strawther says Scott’s cellmate told him he’d been like that since breakfast, which he hadn’t eaten.
Strawther says Scott’s cellmate tried to get officers on the intercom, but they responded by laughing and saying it was just an attempt to get Scott housed downstairs.
According to the letter, Scott’s cellmate noticed that evening that Scott had stopped breathing and called for help.
Strawther alleges that when first responders asked a deputy how long Scott had been in that condition, the deputy responded with, “About an hour.” The letter says that Strawther and fellow inmates began yelling that he’d been like that all day.
The Sacramento Sheriff’s Department denied Strawther’s claims. “I have been informed by our jail command staff (Jail Commander and Executive Lieutenant) in no uncertain terms that we were NOT told of Scott vomiting blood at any time prior to his death, nor in the immediate aftermath, which included discussion with Scott’s cellmate at the time.”