Launching an assault on the 2006 terror conviction of Lodi cherry picker Hamid Hayat, defense attorneys began playing video snippets of his recorded FBI interrogation in court Monday in a bid to show that Hayat was led into a false confession that sent him to prison for 24 years.
The video clips show Hayat, then 22, sitting in a windowless room as FBI interrogators make suggestions to him about what his “marching orders” were when he allegedly went to a Pakistani terror training camp in 2003, and suggesting to him how he would be contacted for instructions on launching an attack.
“There’s clearly weapons training, there’s explosives training,” an agent tells Hayat in one of the videos.
Defense attorneys are attempting to show that Hayat’s confession that he attended a terror training camp was the product of fatigue and of FBI agents persuading him to admit to something he didn’t do.