California criminal defense (and other) attorneys should consider a new U.C. Davis Law School clinic run by former U.S. Supreme Court clerk Aimee Feinberg as a valuable resource when litigating before the California Supreme Court. The U.C. Davis California Supreme Court Clinic will represent individuals and organizations at both the petition for review and merits stages. The clinic can offer pro bono assistance in appropriate cases with preparing petitions for review, answers to petitions, merits briefs, and amicus briefs. Attorneys can reach Aimee at her office number (530-752-1691) or at [email protected].
Here's a description of the clinic from the 9/11/12 Sacramento Bee,
At the helm of the newest clinic is the impressively credentialed and highly motivated Aimee Feinberg, who is the clinic's director and professor.
Some law schools in California and other states have similar programs that focus on the U.S. Supreme Court but none is devoted to a state high court.
Under Feinberg's direction, the students will provide pro bono representation to individuals and organizations in both criminal and civil matters pending before court. The class will enter a case either as co-counsel to a party or as an amicus curiae, or "friend of the court."
In a recent interview, Feinberg said the students "will study the court as an institution," exploring procedures, examining advocacy to determine which approaches have been historically effective, and meeting with seasoned practitioners before the court. They will not study the seven justices as individual personalities, she said.
"It's really a small, pro bono law firm," Feinberg said of the class. "We will represent those who may not otherwise have access to specialized appellate counsel."