Here's the start of Denny Walsh's lengthy piece on new Sacramento U.S. Magistrate Judge Carolyn K. Delaney after her investiture ceremony on Friday:
When there is an opening on the magistrate bench in Sacramento, district judges have a habit of picking an assistant U.S. attorney.
Former First Assistant U.S. Attorney Carolyn K. Delaney is the latest choice, and a lot of railbirds believe she could be one of the best.
Her qualifications include the uncommon respect she has earned among the region's criminal defense lawyers. There are some naysayers, but they are in the minority.
Peter Kmeto, a respected defense lawyer who tried a case against Delaney, described her as "one of the most even-handed prosecutors I've ever known. She's honorable in the way she tries a case. She doesn't play hide-the-ball. I think she is a fantastic choice" for the bench.
"The defense bar was sad to see her leave" the U.S. attorney's office, said Timothy Zindel, a highly regarded assistant federal defender whose office supplies lawyers to indigent defendants. "She was the voice of reason over there.
"She actually will listen and weigh carefully what a defense lawyer has to say," Zindel added. "And what she says often makes a lot of sense."
In a recent interview, Delaney had this to say: "If you can't talk to each other, you can't resolve anything."
Sacramento Bee, 10/22/11 (photo Sacramento Bee).